Sunday, 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and your family a healthy joy filled Holiday Season, from all the staff at South Centre & Summerside Chiropractic Clinics. 

Come visit us at our new location in Summerside and now open Saturday's at South Centre!

Yours in Health,
Drs Darrell Morin, Jenna Ewasiuk & Scott Maybank

Friday, 22 December 2017

Do NOT have a Martha Stewart Christmas!

I watched her Christmas show many years ago (why I don’t know). It was, in my humble opinion, quite laughable. This perfection that she portrays puts the reality of relatives, budgets, and the work of it all completely out perspective.

If you enjoy cooking, cook. If you don’t do some simple things that will allow you and everyone else to just relax. The pressure to see everyone can also lead to guilt but give yourself the permission to just stay home if you want to. If you don’t have family around and may feel lonely one the best ways to lift your spirits and get into the holiday mood is to help others. Help out at one of the local charities is a wonderful way celebrate the true christmas feeling of giving.

Traditions are great but situations change. My wife Sarah and I loved having a elaborate fondu on Christmas eve. We were excited to include our children in this cool tradition and delicious food. What a disaster! It was so much work and needless to say kids and flames don’t mesh! The next year we simplified big time! Home made but pre made tortiere with a great salad was the new tradition that allowed us to relax and have room for some treats later on.
So this Christmas do not have a Martha Stewart Christmas, have your own imperfect Christmas. Plan ahead, drink water, don’t talk politics and focus on activities that give you the best emotional return. Remember even Martha’s life is far from perfect.

Yours in Health,
Dr. D

Welcome Dr. Maybank

Dr. Scott Maybank, B. Sc., D.C.

Born and raised in Edmonton, Dr. Scott Maybank studied sciences at MacEwan University before entering the kinesiology program at the University of Alberta. He completed his Chiropractic degree with the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in Auckland, New Zealand.

Before becoming a chiropractor, Dr. Maybank worked internationally as a professional dancer for ten years. During the challenges of performing, travelling and maintaining ones optimal health, Dr. Maybank experienced the powerful benefits of regular Chiropractic care. This experience allowed him to enjoy his performing career at the highest level and continues to drives his passion to inspire people to achieve their health goals.

Furthering his studies with functional movement, Dr. Maybank completed his Meyers Anatomy Trains and Lower Limb Active Release Therapy to better serve patients. Dr.Maybank encourages a balanced lifestyle of quality exercise, nutrition, rest and a healthy nervous system to embrace the amazing benefits of Chiropractic care.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Sunscreen Myths and Facts

First of all, misleading SPF labeling.

Did you know that SPF 55 is about 2% more protective than SPF 30?  Don't let the high number give you a false sense of security especially as some of the ingredients of that high SPF product can be harmful to you health in other ways.

Most sunscreens block UVB but not all block UVA rays which causes premature aging of the skin and is also linked to skin cancer.   SPF is related to UVB not UVA!!  That means that you may be preventing the burn but not the cancer with that high SPF sunscreen.

The following common sunscreen chemicals are known endocrine interrupters and some have been linked to certain cancers.

So what do you do?  The sun has been around for some time folks and we can stand to get a little without sunscreen!  We have evolved with it.  Yes, some rays are getting through that we have not evolved with due to industrialization so if you have to be in the sun it's best use a physical blocker such as a hat and tightly woven clothes.  A rash guard for large areas of skin in order to limit the areas you have to slather on the skin is also a great idea.  When you use a sunscreen try to choose mineral based formulations such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Only put sunscreen on areas that are going to be exposed to limit how much you or your child is going to absorb into their skin.  Remember that the skin is an absorbing organ.  A lot of the substances above can be found in the urine later on from someone applying it to their skin.  It gets into your entire body!  Also, avoid inhalation of spray sunscreens.

Best Option:   A shirt, hat and use of a full spectrum (UVA and UVB) mineral based blocker.
Worst Option: A chemical based high SPF on the entire body.

You and your kids will look a little like ghosts with all that physical blocker but at least your not filling your system with chemicals!

Yours in Health,

Monday, 5 June 2017

Depression and anxiety are linked to what we eat according to new data.

Foods to include:
     -vegetables (esp. non-starchy)
     -whole grains
     -omega-3 (fish, olive oil, flax oil)
     -lean protein sources 

Foods to drop:
     -white flour and sugar
     -processed foods, fried food
     -alcohol (except moderate red wine)

Amazingly, people who followed the above diet were four times more likely to no longer be defined as depressed than the other group that received social support sessions! This was published in BMC Medicine.  Imagine if they combined some exercise in with that!  Previous studies have shown that exercise (4x's/week) also had a huge impact on mood.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Darrell

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Have a HAPPY, HEALTHY Long Weekend.
Enjoy spending time with your family, friends and the Great Outdoors!

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Bad Genes?  You can beat them!

I hear it a lot from patients, "The problem runs in my family so I can't do anything about it."  Not true I say!  An example is new evidence regarding heart disease is showing that even a family history of heart attack can be cut in half with exercise and a healthy diet.  If you have a family history of heart disease put this list on your fridge and live by it.

-3 non-starchy vegetable servings /day
-3 of fruit
-1/week of nuts
-3 of fish
-2 of dairy
-3 of whole grains
-no more than 1 serving red meat/week, and of course no trans fat, no sugar sweetened beverages, no more than 2 grams of salt daily

Also, you gotta exercise.  The study only looked at one bout of exercise per week showing a benefit but other studies have shown the best outcomes with 4 x's per week.  That will take the belt size down which is a big risk factor as well.

Back problems, bad knees, arthritis, weight loss issues, you name it.  I've heard it blamed on genes and yes they are a factor but you can minimize that factor.  That's what we do here at South Centre Clinic!  We look for the weak links in your health based on your current and past history, lifestyle and family history and we provide non-drug, non surgical ways to strengthen those weak links so you can be you healthful best!

Live better, live longer!  Yours in Health, Dr. Darrell

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Foods to Soothe Digestion Problems

Bloating and gas can come from a variety of foods.   It can also change over a life-time.  Sensitivities change over time for a variety of reasons.  One common reason is changes in digestive enzymes.  Sometimes foods that you've consumed for a long time can become problematic to your digestive system.

I often recommend a high quality probiotic to see if a patient is missing some key gut flora before trying to eliminate foods.  If you've already tried a probiotic it's time to start eliminating foods that may be difficult for you to digest.  A place to start is dairy.  Lactose can become difficult to digest as you age.  Specifically cow milk and soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, ricotta etc.  Hard cheeses such as cheddar may still be OK.

Next you can try eliminating wheat, rye and barley.  If you notice a change there you may want to go through with a gluten elimination to see if there are any sensitivities related to this specific protein.  Remember though, just because it's gluten free does not mean it's healthier for you.  A lot of gluten free processed food is actually quite terrible from a nutritional perspective.  It's often high in corn meal, sugar etc which is not great for cattle or for you.
If the above does not help after a four week trial try eliminating, each group one by one, the following grouping of foods:

onion bulbs
broccoli, kidney beans, soybeans
apple, mango, watermelon
agave syrup, high fructose corn syrup (this should be eliminated from everyone's diet!), fruit juice concentrate
cherries, peach apricot, plum, sorbitol, erythritol

So many people pop pills and drink potions to counter these symptoms when the symptoms are simply your body talking to you.  It's your body saying, "I can't handle this!"

Listen to your body.  Dr. Darrell

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Preventing Bone Loss the Right Way

Using Drugs for Osteoporosis makes your body keep low quality, low strength old bone.  It makes the next bone density test look good but does much less in terms of preventing fractures.  As with all drugs they also have side effects.
Dr. Genuis from the University of Alberta has some great ideas from his research.  I've combined his research with some of my own to come up with a better way for those who want to prevent bone loss.
It comes down to getting enough weight bearing exercise (sorry swimmers) and the right nutrition.

Yes you need calcium but you also need Vitamin D (supplement), strontium, vitamin K, and essential fatty acids.

The sun around here is not going to cut it for Vitamin D.  The wavelength of light we get is fine for giving you a burn but apparently is not great at converting to Vitamin D3.  This is one you will need to supplement.  I like the Vit D3 drops for convenience.

Strontium is found in spinach, whole grains, and seafood.

Vitamin K is in green leafy vegtables, broccoli, Kale, cabbage, asparagus and olive oil

Omega 3 fatty acids are good for so many things.  You can add bone strength to the list.  Fish or fish oils in supplement form are "essential!" Omega 6 will do the opposite so stay away from safflower oils, corn based chips and snacks, potato chips and pork.  Foods like nuts also have Omega 6 but they have off-setting benefits as well so go ahead and eat them in moderation.

Dr. Genuis has also come up with the heel drop exercise to stimulate bone strength.  You get up on your the balls of your feet and let your heels drop.  100 a day oughta shake a few fillings loose!
I prefer a run or weight training but in a pinch a few heel drop sets can fill the gap.

Get Strong!  Dr. D.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Morin's Morning Smoothie
A great protein and veggie hit to start your day!

  1. 1/2 cup Frozen Berries 
  2. 1/2 frozen Banana or preferable 1/2 of a Avocado
  3. Bunch of organic Kale 
  4. 2 Tbsp. Flax oil
  5. Protein powder or Plain greek yogurt 
  6. Almond milk (enough to make it smooth)

Monday, 9 January 2017

2017 is going to be Great! 

Your WellnessDoc team is here to Educate, Empower and Encourage you to achieve your Health & Wellness goals.  Lots of great information on getting active, healthy eating, chiropractic care, positive living & more on our WellnessDoc Pinterest page.