Sunday, 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and your family a healthy joy filled Holiday Season, from all the staff at South Centre & Summerside Chiropractic Clinics. 

Come visit us at our new location in Summerside and now open Saturday's at South Centre!

Yours in Health,
Drs Darrell Morin, Jenna Ewasiuk & Scott Maybank

Friday, 22 December 2017

Do NOT have a Martha Stewart Christmas!

I watched her Christmas show many years ago (why I don’t know). It was, in my humble opinion, quite laughable. This perfection that she portrays puts the reality of relatives, budgets, and the work of it all completely out perspective.

If you enjoy cooking, cook. If you don’t do some simple things that will allow you and everyone else to just relax. The pressure to see everyone can also lead to guilt but give yourself the permission to just stay home if you want to. If you don’t have family around and may feel lonely one the best ways to lift your spirits and get into the holiday mood is to help others. Help out at one of the local charities is a wonderful way celebrate the true christmas feeling of giving.

Traditions are great but situations change. My wife Sarah and I loved having a elaborate fondu on Christmas eve. We were excited to include our children in this cool tradition and delicious food. What a disaster! It was so much work and needless to say kids and flames don’t mesh! The next year we simplified big time! Home made but pre made tortiere with a great salad was the new tradition that allowed us to relax and have room for some treats later on.
So this Christmas do not have a Martha Stewart Christmas, have your own imperfect Christmas. Plan ahead, drink water, don’t talk politics and focus on activities that give you the best emotional return. Remember even Martha’s life is far from perfect.

Yours in Health,
Dr. D

Welcome Dr. Maybank

Dr. Scott Maybank, B. Sc., D.C.

Born and raised in Edmonton, Dr. Scott Maybank studied sciences at MacEwan University before entering the kinesiology program at the University of Alberta. He completed his Chiropractic degree with the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in Auckland, New Zealand.

Before becoming a chiropractor, Dr. Maybank worked internationally as a professional dancer for ten years. During the challenges of performing, travelling and maintaining ones optimal health, Dr. Maybank experienced the powerful benefits of regular Chiropractic care. This experience allowed him to enjoy his performing career at the highest level and continues to drives his passion to inspire people to achieve their health goals.

Furthering his studies with functional movement, Dr. Maybank completed his Meyers Anatomy Trains and Lower Limb Active Release Therapy to better serve patients. Dr.Maybank encourages a balanced lifestyle of quality exercise, nutrition, rest and a healthy nervous system to embrace the amazing benefits of Chiropractic care.