Monday, 3 December 2018

South Centre Chiropractic is giving the Gift of Health this Holiday Season!

We enjoy helping our patients achieve their Health goals!

During the month of December share your experience with a friend or Family member with a Gift of Health. 

A new Patient Exam for $75  (a $75 Value)

Ask for a Gift Card from your doctor or a staff member today at South Centre Chiropractic.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Amazing Apples!

Did you know there are over 7000 types of apples!  

Many types but they share one thing in common.  They are incredibly healthy!

For decades scientists have been trying to isolate the unique chemical that makes them so healthy but with no results.  It appears to be because of a powerful combination of phytochemicals that give apples their health benefits.
Phytochemicals reduce damaging free radicals from damaging our cells and sometimes causing cancer.

Apples with the skin on have been shown in tests to decrease colon cancer cells by 43%, liver cancer cells by 57%!  Researches in Helsinki found that apples decrease incidence of stroke.  Apples have also been found to cut cholesterol and decrease plaque formation on arterial walls.  This has implications for heart disease but as a number of lives saved by consuming apples, that remains to be calculated.  

The whole apple is better than juice in every study.  Apple juice did have some benefits so in a pinch it’s OK.  Stay away from juice “cocktails” which sometimes have as little as 10% actual juice.  The rest is just sugar, water and colour. 

How many?  It appears that 5 per week is the magic number.  

The top four killers in North America are Cancer, heart disease, medical error and stroke.  So if eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away all the better!

Yours in Health,
Dr. D

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Can adjustments to the spine make you smarter?

Most people know by now that the reason chiropractors adjust the spine is to correct movement problems in the joints so that the spinal nerves can function better.  Of course, most people associate this with getting rid of pinched nerves that go to head and cause headaches or down the leg causing sciatica.

What about effects on the brain??  There is a growing pile of research to suggest that adjustments alter brain function in a positive way.  One study was done looking at the amount of brain power it took to do an algebra question.  The subjects were in a functional MRI machine while performing an algebra question.  Following an adjustment they were asked to do similar difficulty equations and the brain was much more efficient at doing the same level of question!

Reaction times in a post adjustment group improved almost 2 times better than the group that was not adjusted.  (JMPT, 2000)

Getting back to pain.  It was found that chronic pain shrinks the brain.  A study in the Journal of Neuroscience found that people living with chronic back pain (even mild) suffered brain loss or atrophy.  The scientists equated this chronic pain change to  being equivalent to 10-20 years of normal brain aging.  

In the journal “Pain”  they found a “significant decrease of grey matter in the brainstem and the somatosensory cortex”.  There were also changes in the brain where symptoms of dementia come from.

Good time for your Kids to get checked and perhaps the rest of us too!!

Yours in Health,
Dr. D

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Younger Next Year? Then Kaizen it!!!

Younger Next Year?  Then Kaizen it!!!

Forget New Years!  It’s Spring that is the best time for brand new life changing habits!!

There are so many little things that can make a huge difference.  Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning change for the better, small or large but change.  If you want that change for the better write "Kaizen" on your fridge or every time you make a grocery list or plan your week.  

A little change for breakfast from something out of a box or package to something that is real.  A little change from a potato to an avocado. A walk instead of a sit-com.   A good news book instead of bad news media to cause a little change of attitude.  Sleep instead of screen time.  Chiropractic care for improving function or getting rid of a nagging ache that’s making life less enjoyable.

They are all little things that change a life when they are done with gusto and consistency!!

Remember that excellence lies in that last 10% that most people don’t do.  You deserve excellence, so do it!

Need help, need guidance?  Give us a call.  We change lives every day!!  

Get Well, Stay Well.
Dr. D