Monday, 19 December 2016

Get a Head Start on those New Years Resolutions!

I have always felt that when in comes to doing the right thing that every moment is a second chance. If you fail to do the right thing for someone or for yourself don't feel bad about it and label yourself; simply do better next time. Negative self-talk that labels you will propogate the same behavior in the future. Instead say to yourself, "that's not like me to do that, next time I will do better." 
Now is the time to plan to do the right thing! Write down your goals and put it in your calender along with how you're going to do it. Here are some tips:
1. Write it where you'll see it. Above all, write it!
2. Put a three month goal next to the present day action step. eg. "I will be able to run 5 sets of stairs" or "lose 5 lbs" or "do one kind thing for my spouse per day for 90 days" (without making a big deal of it) 
3. Make the action steps doable! A great example would be to implement one idea from this Wellness page per week. Just One!
4. Place a check mark next to each completed action step. 
Start writing now! You've got to plan now if you want it to start on January 1. Now is a good time to start getting a taste of doing the right thing by having a high protein snack before going to a Christmas party. Lingering by the vegetable tray instead of the sweets tray. Having a water before and between alcoholic or sweet beverages. Practise saying, "no thank you, I am full." or "may I have a water instead?"
Have patience with friends and family this year. Instead of the consumerism the internet and other media promotes, focus on the real meaning of Christmas and be grateful for all that you have regardless of life's imperfections. 
Have a Wonderous Christmas Season, 
Dr. Darrell

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